Engaging People living with NCDs in NCD Prevention and Control
HIA actively engaged with People living with NCDs and care providers to promote meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs in the NCD response. In 2017, four Community Conversations in three regions engaged 49 People living with NCDs. In 2018, four Regional Consultations engaged 89 People living with NCDs and 49 CSOs. In 2019 three member in-country teams were trained by NCD Alliance as training of trainers. Two in-country trainings were then conducted in India trainings for 40 People living with NCDs.
Our Views Our Voices
We are people living with NCDs, and we must be heard. Noncommunicable diseases affect people. People like us. People in every country, rich and poor, old and young, in cities and in villages, the privileged and the vulnerable. At some point in our lives, they are likely to affect each and every one of us. This is what unites us.
Round Table meeting on ``Collective action towards integrated care- Cross learnings from NCD, TB and HIV programs”. (2022)
DakshamA Health and HIA conducted an in-person roundtable meeting with HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and NCD stakeholders on 30th August 2022 in New Delhi on “Collective action towards integrated care- Cross learnings from NCD, TB and HIV programs”. Various prestigious professionals from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, WHO India and SEARO, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS, New Delhi), National Coalition of People Living with HIV in India, The Union South East Asia and other CSOs participated as speakers in the meeting. A fair representation of HIA partners, People Living with HIV and TB as well as People living with NCDs was there in the meeting. The meeting highlighted the need for integration of health sectors to effectively address needs of those living with multiple conditions, and put forth the need for political and financial commitment towards the same. The speakers opined their views on integrated care and how integration can be embedded across various areas including vulnerability mapping, screening, testing management and prevention.

One of the speakers with lived experience of HIV, TB and an NCD shared her experiences and emphasized on importance of meaningful involvement of people with lived experiences. Principal Advisor to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare India, was one of the speakers and highlighted the need of interdepartmental and inter-ministerial coordination as a key step for integrating care continuum pathways. Learnings and success stories from TB, HIV and NCD sectors were shared following by discussions on having a robust strategy for integration of HIV, TB and NCD sectors in India.

Four Regional Consultations organised in 2017
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Healthy India Alliance’s contribution to Global Week for Action on NCD’s 2022
HIA actively participated and conducted a social media campaign during the Global week for Action (GW4A) on NCDs 2022 starting from 5th September 2022 till 11th September 2022. HIA majorly focused on disseminating messages on increased investment on NCDs, integration of HIV, TB and NCD sectors and meaningfully involving people with lived experiences.
National Human Right Commission (NHRC)’s notice to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) highlighting Air Pollution as a serious human rights issue.
National Human Right Commission (NHRC)’s notice to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) highlighting Air Pollution as a serious human rights issue.

National Human Right Commission (NHRC)’s notice to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) highlighting Air Pollution as a serious human rights issue.
Tweet highlighting Lancet NCDI poverty Commission’s report to highlight the disproportionate out of the pocket expenditure due to NCDs.

Tweet highlighting ideas on how India can increase investment on NCDs which is critical to achieve UHC and SDGs.
National Human Right Commission (NHRC)’s notice to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) highlighting Air Pollution as a serious human rights issue.
Five HIA representatives shared powerful messages by creating cards under “Be a Voice of Change” section of GW4A campaign resources. The messages were on need of increase in investment on NCDs, meaningful involvement of people with lived experiences, highlighting risk factors such as air pollution and need of integrated approach to increase NCD Financing
Representatives from HRIDAY (Secretariat of HIA) visited St. Marys school and sensitised 600 students & 15 teachers on nutrition and Balanced diet as determinants of NCDs.

National Human Right Commission (NHRC)’s notice to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) highlighting Air Pollution as a serious human rights issue.
HIA, Blue Circle Diabetes foundation and St Marys School, Dwarka organised a virtual sensitisation session for people living with Type 1 Diabetes. 51 participants including youth living with Type 1 Diabetes, caregivers of people living with Type 1 Diabetes, teachers as well as students actively participated in the virtual event.

Multisectoral Participation
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